The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries Crack

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The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 1 - (c) Telltale Games. The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries stars the. Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir. In June 2014, Telltale announced a three-episode series The Walking Dead: Michonne. The mini-series released on February 23, 2015 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One; February 25, 2015 for iOS and Android; and March 1, 2015 for PC, and serves as a tie-in between the first two The Walking Dead seasons developed by Telltale.

Feb 25th, 2016
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries Crack
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  1. P R E S E N T S
  2. The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 1 - (c) Telltale Games
  3. Discs: 1 Genre: Adventure
  4. The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries stars the
  5. iconic, blade-wielding character from Robert Kirkman's best-selling
  6. comic books. Haunted by her past, and coping with unimaginable loss
  7. and regret, the story explores Michonne's absence between issues
  8. #126 and #139 of the comic book. Includes access to all three
  9. episodes in this all-new miniseries from the award-winning studio
  10. Extract
  11. Run setup.exe and install
  12. Play
  13. General Notes:
  14. Block the game's exe in your firewall to prevent the game from
  15. If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary
RAW Paste Data
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries Crack
  • Developer: Telltale, Inc.
  • Genre: Arcade/Action
  • Originally on: Windows (2016)
  • Works on: PC, Windows
  • Editor Rating:
  • User Rating: 9.3/10 - 3 votes
  • Rate this game:

While it may not tie into the other games from Telltale, The Walking Dead: Michonne is still part of that same series. This is its own standalone game and it actually is set during a specific period in the comic books, a period where Michonne went her own way from Rick and the rest of the gang.

A Three-Part Story

One of the first things to note about The Walking Dead: Michonne is that this is only three parts long. The story starts off with Michonne on a boat, where she has flashbacks and even considers ending it all. The captain of the boat though Pete, makes her see sense and the pick up a distress signal which leads them to a strange place called Monroe.

To say that Monroe was not what they were expecting is an understatement. As you would expect with any Walking Dead story. The poop hits the fan and the second episode is about Michonne, Pete and the other characters having to escape from Monroe and also make a pretty drastic decision as they do.

The story actually wraps up quite well, I think. By the end of the third chapter, all of the events are sorted out (well as much as they could be) and Michonne is on her way back to Rick. While I thought that the story was pretty good, it lacked the wow factor or the emotional impact of the other games in the series.

What Did You Do?


Like the other games in this series from Telltale, The Walking Dead: Michonne is all about you choosing which way the narrative goes. There are a few major decisions that you can make which will have a ripple effect through the whole story arc. There are also smaller choices and things you can say which while not major can still come up later as you play.

The overall gameplay is just like the other Walking Dead games and in all honesty, I am more than fine with that. I have heard some people say that this game is way too short, but I feel that is a little harsh. Sure, the overall story is only three chapters long as opposed to five. However, I felt that the individual chapters were just about as long as the other Walking Dead games.

The Walking Dead Wiki Michonne

Smooth Sailing

I am a huge fan of this series and most of the other adventure-style games that the good folks at Telltale did. However, I will fully admit that some of the earlier titles had some pretty bad technical issues. I remember the first Walking Dead game and if you had the physical version on the PS3 it was near unplayable thanks to the stuttering and glitching.

The Walking Dead: Michonne for me was the first game from Telltale that I played from start to finish without any kind of crashing, glitching or me not being able to make the choice I want because the game crapped out on me. So, from a technical standpoint at the time, this was the smoothest of all their games up to this point.

I thought that The Walking Dead: Michonne was a nice side step from the main series. While it does not tie into the story of Clementine, I still think that the story it tells is quite interesting, even if it is a little predictable. If you are a fan of the series, I do feel that this is well worth having a play through.




  • Michonne is badass
  • Michonne’s voice actor is pretty great
  • The story is a stand-alone story that is all tied up by the time it ends
  • It runs nice and smooth
  • Some pretty crazy things happen!


  • There are only three episodes
  • It is not the best of the series

Download Links

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries Cracked


The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries Cracker

System Requirements

Processor: PC compatible, P-100

Where Is Michonne Walking Dead

OS: Windows 9x, Windows 2000 Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries Crack Download

Game Features:Single game mode

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